This is a custom recruiting software module to help with job applicant tracking. The system was developed to enable management to take faster decisions and to save time for HR.
Information such as resumes, reference checks, interview details, test results, and offer status is available for all stakeholders. The result is that better and faster decisions, on who to recruit can be taken.
This recruitment module is part of a greater HR module within an ERP system.
The HR department can set up job roles that the company is recruiting for, such as “accountant”, “senior programmer” or “HR manager”. HR will register each job applicant as they have done their screening of job applicants.
If a practical test is given to the job applicant, the test results will also be assigned to the applicant by the HR department.
When a test result or interview transcript is saved, management will be automatically notified and asked to login and evaluate the candidate. Thereafter office administration can act upon the manager’s decision and contact the candidate to schedule another interview or give the applicant an offer.
At all times the involved parties (HR department, senior management, middle managers, subject experts etc) can follow the status of applicants.
The applicant tracking system stores resumes, reference checks carried out/to be carried out, interview transcripts and more. It is developed in PHP and MySQL for scalability, speed and security.
Contact us today to learn how this applicant tracking system can be customized for your business.
The main benefits of this customized HR recruitment software are: